Tuesday, September 9, 2008

another one from leah.

so i told brent that he has to blog more, i think hes going to come blog tomorrow. this morning i dropped him off at macy's to start his NEW FULL TIME JOB!! he is so excited. anyways, i don't have to be at work till 12 on tuesdays so i am just chilling around. i put a card in the mail today for arch. (arch is my grandpa's brother), he doesn't have any kids so i am his adopted grandchild. hehe. he was in the hospital for a while, so hopefully my card will cure him! ha. it was a pretty good card. and... life is pretty mellow right now, just work, work, work. I AM SO EXCITED FOR NEXT WEEK! my brother, mom, and dad will be here so its gonna be fun. then SAM IS COMING at the end of september. then BEN is coming in NOVEMBER! its just an exciting time for all this fun! so... love everyone. miss you. peace. angelia


Lori said...

Next week at this time I will be relaxing in Florida. To say I am excited would be the understatement of the year. To say I need a break would be the 2nd understatement of the year. Can't wait to see you guys!