Sunday, January 25, 2009


Not super much to update... normal stuff new day.
This week Brent and I took the car to get the oil changed where they told us that our front brakes were going metal to metal and because they were so bad it ruined our rotors, so we needed new brakes and rotors.... so today we went and spent like 330 dollars on stupid car stuff... which uber sucks. cars are stupid, but it wasn't avoidable. and tomorrow I have to go get 2 new front tires from this used tire place because our front 2 tires are past the wear bar?? whatever that means... basically the front 2 are shot and I need to fix it. annnddd.... thats all for the car.
i started a diet like 2 weeks ago, not really a diet of sorts I just met with the doctor from golds where my gym membership is and she told me what types of food to avoid and what my calorie intake should be to lose weight. basically i need to eat 5 meals a day, 3 of them are 500 cals or under and 2 of them are 250 cal snacks. and stick with whole grains instead of regular breads and pastas. and no soda, lots of water. i have 1 diet soda a day with dinner and usually i only drink half. for desserts i have frozen yogurt or popcorn, but its going well. i just need to be healthier for me. so far i lost 1 lb so my goal is like 1 lb a week.
school is going good, just lots of reading. and panera is... well its panera. i work there about 20-25 hours a week. brent is still working hard at both jobs. and very excited to come home, as am i.... so tonight is just studying since brent is at work. i have school all day tomorrow and brent works both places, so basically just long days ahead.
kitty is doing fine, not chewing up anything else and staying hyper.
loveyou missyou peace


Lori said...

we're all ready for you to be home as well guys! luvya!!!!!!!!!!!

Diane Bartholomew said...

Hoping that May comes quickly with you close by again. Can't wait.