I always come on here to vent so here goes.
btw.... if you are reading this, its not directed towards you. the people i talk about aren't friends with me on facebook and don't read my blog
I always come on here to vent so here goes.
Posted by .... at 12:50 PM 2 comments
Saturday... was in fact better than Friday. haha. Brent worked all day so I went to Hanover to hang out with the family. I basically went to the pool all day with my mom and the kids. Then we hung out with Maren for a bit, then we went back to Gettysburg to hang out with Brent and all went to Subway. Which was fun....
Sunday- We all went to Cascade Lake and swam our butts off. Had a ton of fun swimming and hanging out all day... Nice to get some tan back, me and Brent feel especially white after our Florida days. haha. Then we came back to my moms house and had dinner with everyone and the grandparents. Then we headed home.
Today- Brent went to a chiropractor all day with his parents for all his back issues. He hung out there pretty much all day. I was at work all day then I went to get my college books and spent 650 dollars!!! AHHH! Then had dinner at Brents house, his mom made a veggie dish. Then went to my house for a bit, then home and the grandparents visited.... busy day.
Anywho, thats life.
Posted by .... at 7:46 PM 0 comments
So I guess I will post about my terrible horrible yesterday, since I am avoiding cleaning my house haha.
1. First I showed up in Hanover to go to yard sales with my Mamaw, and had pretty much no luck at all with anything, all I really found was a paper towel holder. I liked hanging out with her, but the yard sales were all just junk, and I love yard sales so I was a little disappointed.
2. I go to there house to try to hook up my laptop to there Ethernet cord and it just won't pick up signal for the internet. Since me and Brent had an extra laptop I was going to let them use it since there computer is really slow. But it wouldn't work, so that crashed my plan completely.
3. On the way back to Gettysburg I followed a dump truck going 15 miles under the speed limit.
4. I checked my bank account because I wanted to go to the beach this weekend and realized I am in the negative, so I have 3 overdraft charges coming my way. I borrow money from my Grandma to try and put me over, but her receipt of deposit dated for Monday, so I am once again in the negative.
5. I then run out the door to go to work and get in the car to realize my keys aren't in my purse but in the house, THE LOCKED HOUSE. So Brent has to run, literally run home from work to unlock the door for me. He works like 6 blocks away and we share a car, so yeah.
6. I am late to work and get written up for being late to work. I had to fill out forms, for clocking in 8 minutes past my time. Then I got in trouble for wearing a necklace in the kitchen, by somebody who in fact had a necklace on. So, I spent about 1/2 my day in tears there. And I was behind schedule so the residents were bitchy with me, because there coffee was 5 minutes late. I HATE MY JOB!!!!!!!!!!
7. Then I go outside @ 8:00 because I am off, and Brent is 10 minutes late picking me up, which on any other day is not a big deal at all. But yesterday, it made me cry for the tenth time.
8. I get home and decide I am going to apply for this job at the hospital for a lab assistant, and I get completely done after working on it for 30 minutes and pressed cancel in stead of submit so it just went away and saved nothing.
.... so i cried and went to bed.
I need to have a good day today.
Posted by .... at 8:07 AM 1 comments
Obviously I am a horrible blogger since I never update.... ever. But here it goes.
1. Sam is home!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .... I will lay it down for you.
-We all went rafting at Little Gun Powder.
-We got lost in Maryland for the millionth time. ha.
-We went to the Towson Mall.
-We went to the Outlets.
-We went to King of Prussia.
... So basically Brent and I have been having fun with miss sam. But she goes back to school on September 6th, so that is a sad little day.
2. Ironically, Brent is not working at Pizza Hut or Arbys. But instead got a muchhh better paying job at J's at the Village, in downtown Gettysburg. He works as a Prep Cook... and he says he really likes it. He also just bought his college books for this coming semester and spent more than $500 dollars... CRAZY! (especially since they were used books, and he didn't buy the optional books) But we knew it was coming. He has been going on weekend biking trips with his friends Brad and Brice, and having fun. He also is getting his fill of fiction reading, since he knows when school comes around it will be only the non-fun reading. haha. But he is good. He starts school the 31st of August.
3. I have been working at the Lutheran Home now for like 4 weeks, and am done all my training. Sadly enough, I really hate it there. I don't know any of the residents, they aren't really friendly, and I spend 7 hours a day behind a dish machine. It is nothing like the same job I used to work at the Hanover Lutheran Home. Which is gay, but for now, its a job. I just wish I did something more meaningful, because doing this crap that I have to do just makes you feel a bit like your going nowhere. I know I am in school full time, but when you sweat for 7 hours a day in a 4x4 dishroom, doing tasks that mean nothing, its hard to remember where you are headed.
4. I am still a vegetarian! Woooo to me. I have found a lot of great alternatives to meat. The brand my mamaw introduced me to is called Boca Burgers, and they have some fantastic veggie burgers. I also found the brand Veggie Patch that makes soy chicken patties and nuggets, and they taste great. So life is good there.
5. We are adopting another kitty soon. Reason being that we will both be in school allll day long and then go to work at night so its not fair to have an animal you can't spend time with. She needs a friend, so we are going to get a neutered male kitten. Neutered because we don't want marking, male because the vet i used to work for said that males and females mesh better, kitten because i dont want our cat to feel threatened by an older dominate cat. So thats the deal there.
6. When Brandon was in town he won me a carnival gold FISH! We all know I love the animals, so we now have a fish that we have to keep at high places away from our cat, but none the less it is happy, and still alive after a week so far. His name is Nemo, and he has a white stripe.
Wellll I think thats it.
Love, leah and brent.
Posted by .... at 8:42 PM 2 comments
1. Brent had an interview at Pizza Hut and has started working there instead of Arbys. I worked at Pizza Hut for 2 years, and always thought it was hilarious listening to the baby mama drama at that place, and Brent decided to give it a go. He is at work as we speak.
2. I am STILLL waiting to start working at my job. I go in for my "provisional" tomorrow, whatever that means, but basically it means that I haven't started making money and that I am waiting for this place to get a move on. Hopefully I can start by next week, but that's probably unrealistic.... So we will see how it goes.
3. Gettysburg just finished up bike week. Which basically means for the past 7 days, more motorcycles than I have ever seen in my life, rode as loud as they could at all hours of the night through town. I mean I get it, it's Gettysburg tourism blah blah blah, but I didn't enjoy not being able to hear myself think outside. I have already decided that I want to go on vacation next year during bike week.. HA.
4. School starts soon, so Brent and I are pretty excited.
thats all for now... love leah
Posted by .... at 2:24 PM 3 comments
Well I haven't been posting as much because we didn't get internet hooked up at our place yet. We figured until we starting working here, that was something we could go without. So I am posting at Brents parents house.
1. We love our new apartment. Everything about it is what I wanted, its sort of tiny but its workable and it has all the features I wanted. Really our goals were to have our rent be in the 500 area, wood floors, and in a good area, and (NO BUGS). Our apartment is 525 a month and we only pay electric and 11 dollars a month for our gas stove, it has wood floors, and its a block away from downtown gettysburg... So it is a success.
2. I love being a phone call away from everyone I love. I have pretty much almost all of my family since I have been home at least on my mom's side. Brent's sister Julie got married the weeekend we came home, so he got to see all of his family in town. He llooovveeedd that. He missed them a lot when we were in Florida. And my aunt threw my mom a big 40th bday party, so that was fun to get to catch up with that part of my family.
3. Kitty has adjusted well. In our old apartment we had to close her in our room at night, because we had a roomate and she was forced to sleep. Now she has the whole apartment to prowl at night, you hear her galloping through the halls sometimes all night. And we have huge windows that she sits in all day and naps... She also gets a ton of attention from all the visitors, which I know she doesn't mind.
4. I found a job last week at Lutheran Home in Gettysburg. I used to work in the Lutheran Home of Hanover, but I interviewed for the one in Gettysburg last Thursday. I called them on Monday and she said that I got the job. I was so excited, she said the pay would be at least 9 dollars an hour, which is a dollar more than I made in Florida. And I am going to be a dietary aide like I was before. The only thing that sucks is that the process to actually START working in a nursing home is SOOOO LLLOONNNGG. Basically, the lady that hired me has to check on all my refrences. Then she passes me onto HR, then they run my background check.. Then they make me go to Hanover Hospital for a physical, then I have to get a 2step TB test, all in all I think it will be about 3 weeks until I ACTUALLY start making money.
5. Today Brent found a job. He had 2 interviews yesterday at Van Huesen and the Gettysburg Hotel... but neither one of them could give him the hours he needed. Then today he was set and determined to find something and he applied to Arbys. They told him to come back at 3 for an interview.... I know its not a super fantastic job, but none the less, its a job. It makes money, and the manager said that they are looking for shift supervisors, and if he works hard he would definetly be considered. He is such a determing guy, he just pounds the pavement until he gets what he needs... and I am very proud of him.
6. This is a very long post, so I think thats all for today.
Love ya === leah.
Posted by .... at 2:39 PM 2 comments
Nothing really done yet today... still pretty early.
Just a few things on my mind. I hate fading away from friends. But i definitely need some new ones. The ones I had, I basically have nothing in common with anymore. Or they just don't call anymore. Or they just have other priorities. And the ones I made here I am leaving. Basically I am back at ground zero in the friend level, and need to start building it back up. I find that Brent has to fill the place of husband/girl friend (gossip buddy). And even though he won't admit it I know he gets a little annoyed with that ha.
And I decided something the other day that I have been thinking about for a long time now. I am going to try to be a vegetarian. As many of you know throughout my posts, I am an absolute animal rights freak and it seems every time lately I eat meat I feel bad. I mean in my mind I hold animals at the same exact place as I do people. I can't wrap my head around anything that endangers there well being or makes there life insignificant. So even though its a challenge, I have actually really started to enjoy vegetables. I know a lot of people just don't understand what I mean, but I really think that this is the right thing. I will still cook normally for Brent but for me, I just can't eat anything that had to be slaughtered to be on my plate. I know with just the taste part of eating meat, it will get challenging, and hopefully I can be successful, it not then I am just a fast food junky... but nevertheless I will give it my best shot.
2 ddaayyysss till home.
Posted by .... at 5:13 AM 1 comments
This is what packing looks like in our house. The kitty lovveess sitting in boxes and hiding. Our house has turned into a playground.
1. We sold our couch. FINALLY. so now we are trying to sell our loveseat.
2. Today was my last day at work, and suprisingly the past few days there have been reallly good. Today I got to say bye to all my favorite customers that I saw like everyday. And it was just a good day.
3. I have Monday and Tuesday to just basically pack and clean the rest of the place. Then Wednesday we are off!!
So theres an update.
Posted by .... at 11:06 AM 2 comments
Well it has been a pretty good few days.
Monday I woke up, packed lunch and went straight to the beach. Then I had lunch with Brent at CPK. Then I went to the pool. At night I did basically nothing. A little dishes but nothing much. I have a lot to do, but it has to be done last minute. Like packing dishes, towels, the rest of the clothes.... etc. So I am waiting until the beginning of this coming week.
Today, same basic situation. Woke up, went to the beach for like 2 hours then I had some errands to do.My most UNFAVORITE of them all is the hardware store.
I want to get my security deposit back so I decided I was going to clean my grout because it was gross looking. So I cruise on in there and this nice lady showed me the stuff I needed and directed me in the general direction of the cleaning brushes. I grabbed one, and got stopped by some guy that worked there that said that brush was for stripping grout. Then I went back and was looking for a different brush when a guy said that I had the wrong cleaning stuff and took me back to the old aisle, where the previous person that helped me still was and those 2 employees got into an arguement. Needless to say I went to Home Depot. I mean I needed a cleaner and a brush, doesn't seem that complicated but obviously it was a dilemma.
Then I went to the post office/bank. Then to the pool. Now I am just hanging out with the kitty.
Thats my woohoo day.
Posted by .... at 10:38 AM 1 comments
Well nothing much new this weekend so far. Today was a better day at work. I opened at 5 am and worked with some cool people. Everybody was laid back, I wasn't grumpy, got out on time. All around good day at work... which is weird. Anyways, then me and brent went to the beach and got rained out. Then we came back here and watched movies. We watched Enough, with Jennifer Lopez... which was a pretty awesome movie i must say. And Doubt, which was a good movie as well... Basically we aren't doing anything today and it feels pretty good.
There is the update! ha.
oh yeah btw... the stupid people that were going to get the couch couldn't come get it after all. The main problem is a bigillion people like our couch, but don't have means to transport it is the overall story. Summary of the story is that, we are going to try to post pictures in our complex clubhouse so the people that see it are from gardens area and not lauderdale. Or.. if i have to I will bring it home and sell it for like 50 bucks. If anybody wants a sectional with a pull out queen sleeper... lettt meee knnowww.
Posted by .... at 4:49 PM 1 comments
Well there is always something i sware at my job. I have never had a job before in my life where people fight with each other so much, and I worked at Pizza Hut for gods sake, i didn't think that Panera Bread would be worse. BUT IT IS!!
Heres the story... There is one manager (Nanci) that nobody likes, because she always has these issues in her life that she has to share with everyone. And feels the need to reveal very personal details to all of us that are just plain gross. Like when she has diarrhea and all kinds of gross stuff. I mean nothing is personal to this lady. And she has this habit of repeating herself over and over and over with everything.
Today I had just about enough of her in general. Basically if you have ever been to Panera, you would see we have samples out all the time, and this sample basket is supposed to stay full. But this morning it was really busy and it was just me and one other girl at the time, customers where lined up to the door. While I was mid taking an order, she tells me to get samples when I am done....
Needless to say, 10 minutes later the customers are basically cleared out and she just keeps walking around telling me to fill the samples, AS I AM CUTTING THEM UP. So just being unnesseccarily repetitive. So I was like, Nanci you don't have to tell me 10 times, I am doing it right now. She said that she wanted to make sure I heard her. I told her that she said it out loud, and I'm not deaf. I obviously heard her all of the 10 times she said it.
Summary of the story, is she sent me home 6 hours early. She knows that she can't really write me up because I am already leaving in less than 2 weeks. But she also knew that I really need the money, so she took away my hours. And it rained on me the whole way home (I work a mile from work so I walk home).
Moral of the story is ... dont piss of fast food management. because it will backfire in your face. and go to school so you don't have to work in crappy food places.
On a different note, now that today I had all this time where I wasn't working. I packed up half of our apartment. Basically everything I could pack right now. Half of the dishes, all the barely worn clothes, shoes, furniture, cook books, etc.
And we are selling our couch, (i might have already said that)... because we have one waiting for us up there in our new apartment.... and i think we have someone who is coming to get it tomorrow... which is exciting!! woo!!
this is a long post.
im about done whining.
loveeee yyoouuu , miss everyone.
Posted by .... at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Well, still haven't been able to pack at all. Basically I have packed one box, thats it. I haven't been able to start because I have been dogsitting and all my extra time I spend over there, they get back on Wednesday night, so I will have more time. My schedule at work goes Wed-Wed, and this week instead of working early, I work Wed, Thurs, Fri- 7:00-4:00, then Saturday 5:00-1:00. Then I have off Sunday-Tuesday so I will pack then, hopefully get a lot done. Anyways, we both put in our 2 weeks notice at our jobs, and will be home soon. Very excited! Right now I am watching CSI:New York with Brent <3
love and miss everyone
Posted by .... at 1:40 PM 3 comments
Updates by numbers.
1. We have our moving truck booked for the 17th of June. We are leaving that night at like 8pm and driving all night for traffic purposes and will be home mid day on the 18th. We decided to come home a few weeks early than planned for Julie's open house.
2. I have discovered that moving gives me extreme anxiety. I mean we aren't leaving for 3 weeks still but I am still very anxious. I am definetly my fathers daughter, he is the biggest butthead when it comes to moving anything. Just annoying and grumpy, and I have discovered I am too. I mean i am so neurotic its ridiculous, I can't decide what to start to pack therefore I have packed nothing. I need to get my butt into gear with that one.
3. We officially have an apartment in Gettysburg, PA. Downtown gettysburg, which is a place that both me and Brent lovvveee! Originally I saw the ad in the merchandiser, then my mom went to see this apartment in this old gettysburg mansion, on the 3rd floor. Turns out, a larger much for cute apartment opened up on the 2nd floor, and I got it before she even got it in the papers :) It has hardwood floors and its just perfect, my mom and Diane picked up the keys today!!!
4. I am also in the process of trying to sell different things, since the apartment we have now is 2 bedrooms and our new one is a 1 bedroom. And its just a different style, so I am hoping to just basically sell some stuff and get some different stuff that will go better.
5. Work is still the same, I work like 5 days a week from 5am-2. Brent works Macys Monday-Friday from 7-315. Then Panera at night like 4 days a week, from 5-10ish. He is a busy guy.
6. Kitty is the same.
7. I am very excited to COME HOME!!!!! WOOO!!!!
thats it for now, I am going to try really hard to update from now on.
Posted by .... at 5:52 PM 2 comments
Okay, so blogging has been a bit on the back burner of my chaotic life lately.... Here are some updates.
1. Brent is officially registered for classes for the fall semester at HACC. He is very excited, he picked the classes himself and is waiting for the status of his pell grant.
2. I officially got news back from McDaniel college that I have 23,000 dollars in a scholarship from them for this coming school year, another 2500 in government grants, 4500 in the stafford loan(subsidized), with an additional 5,000 to pull(unsubsidized) if i absolutely need to. And.... that is very exciting seeing as my school is 32,000 a year... this makes the load more light.
3. I will be registering for classes in like 2 weeks, which is when my session opens up. Also very exciting.
4. I have officially paid for CNA (certified nursing assistant) training through HACC this july, where after the course I will be able to make at least $12 an hour, even more if i work through an agency. Its a 2 week course that I want to take so that I can spend less time working making the same money I would if i worked full time making minimum wage.
5. Brent and I are very excited to go home. We have the moving truck booked for June 2nd, so we expect to be home sometime early on the 4th.... the apartment search is still slowly trudging on.
6. I officially am I in the last month of my semester.... With all A's and B. I say B because I have a stupid B in Biology because my professor bites the big one. Not that I don't take accountability for my B but he really sucks, none of the material he lectures is on the test and what's on the test is the stuff he skipped over. He's impossible. I started out with a class of like 35, and now have like 15 left because all the kids dropped the class due to the fact they were FAILING, not like D failing but like in the 20's. So I have settled for my B compared to what other people have.
7. I have discovered that I love the French language. I could eat, drink, sleep French. Its my first class but I just love it. If all goes well I would like to minor in French, with my Bio-PreMed major. There is just something about the language that makes me want to learn it more.
8. Today something awesome happened!!!! I was walking outside of my apartment complex and I saw this cat with a collar on just roaming around and i was like OMG i have to catch this cat so it doesn't get hurt. I could see it was obviously domesticated my its demeanor and it had a 2009 rabies tag so I knew it was safe.... I took it upstairs (against brent's will i must add)... he wasn't opposed to it, he just thought i was being a bit ridiculous catching stray animals. Turns out it had a phone number on it's tag of a woman, who shortly called me back and was so grateful that we had safely caught her kitty. She was out searching for him for an hour, and was so relieved. He had got out through there patio by mistake. I was very relieved.... to me letting domesticated animals out there and not trying to help is like letting babies roam the streets and not helping. They are domesticated and could not fend for themselves, they could just as easily roam out into the road as could a baby.
---- On the last note, we all know how crazy I am about animal rights and vaccination. This is a lesson to everybody who doesn't have there animal vaccinated, at least with rabies and an up-to-date tag. I knew when I first stopped that animal it was safe due to the fact it had a new tag, without the tag even if it had a collar, most wouldn't get near it. Add to the fact, if your aminal gets out my mistake and bites anyone and they called the SPCA which they probably would... your animal would be euthanized due to your neglect to get a tag. They only way to "officially" diagnose rabies is a thorough examination of the brain, which happens after they are killed to make sure that the person has not been infected that was bit. So even if you go to claim your animal, you could not pick it up without proof of vaccine, if you aren't already to late.
I could "preach" (ironic word) about animal rights all day because THEY CAN'T. Its heinous to me how some people can get animals without the means to support them.... same with kids. They aren't just cute cuddle buddies... there babies!! Lets say your dog gets hit by a car, and you can't afford the surgery, so you "spare them the misery and pain" and euthanize them. Thats such a load. The day you can euthanize humans based on your personal opinon about there pain, is the day you should be able to euthanize animals.
And thats all folks... :)
Sorry for the longevity of my post.
Posted by .... at 5:13 PM 3 comments
Posted by .... at 8:52 PM 1 comments
Saturday was the last day that everybody was in town here. That night when everybody went back to my grandmas Joshy stayed here with me until we met up with the rest of the family. Basically so that we could hang out alone before they left. When we were together we went to Boomers which is basically a huge arcade/miniature golf place like 30 minutes from here. We had a ton of fun.....
Then that night when picked up Brent from work and headed to my grandmas to hang out with all the family. Mom, dad, kirsten and aaron where already there but we had to drive up. Sunday was Todd's birthday so the whole family and tim and todd all hung out all day at the grandmas and had fun. my dad cleaned our car and it looks pretty fabulous i must say... then that night we drove home. Monday I had a chemistry test, which I believe I did really well in and then I had classes all night, as well as a biology test at 630 pm so my dad was pretty filled.
Today I had work from 5-1 and Brent had work from 7-315 and 6-10ish. So he is a busy man. I had a horrible day at work... Basically my bosses are all bipolar. One minute they are like CLEAN THE FLOOR. GREET THE CUSTOMERS, the next minute they are heyyyyyyyy how are you, hows your day...then i say something to them and its like I'M WRITING YOU UP IF YOU THROW PAPER ON THE FLOOR! basically it drives me nuts when people are extremely moody. One minute they are your friends the next minute there jerks and I hate trying to figure out whether or not its okay to speak to someone and not get screamed at. They need to get a life and realize that Panera Bread... is a sandwich restaraunt, not real life... and to loosen up a tad bit before i throw them over the cliff.
And on a happy note... a hilarious video
Posted by .... at 5:41 PM 1 comments
So today was a fun day, for the first time this week Brent had to work all day and I had the kids all day. The day went pretty good.... in the morning we all watched Indiana Jones, mostly because I was really tired and lazy. But partially to see the movie. Then we had breakfast and Josh and I did schoolwork for like 1 1/2 hours. Then we all got all ready and went to my favorite restaraunt ever!!!!! FRIENDLYS!Then we drove home and we ALL took a much needed nap before we picked up B-rent. Then came the park.... which was very eventful I must say. 3 things I have discovered today
1. Girls at the playground are VICIOUS! Basically I walked myself into like at least 3 conversations where they were like, um girl get out of here this is our space, and saying crap like you can't go down this slide and just bullying crap to kirsten. It hurt her feelings and it was just stupid because as soon as I walked over there were sweet as pie, girls are so gay.
2. Boys are also rude at the park. Aaron found a part of the park where there were picnic benchs and a bunch of boys jumping from bench to bench in some sort of game. Summary of the story is that Aaron eventually fell not exactly sure how, and this is what they say... "Thats why we don't let boys like him play with us, and how bout you cry about it" so Aaron cries and then they mock him until I walk up... The worst part about it is there was a mom there that was laughing as well. I could have hit her in the head.
3. My brothers and sisters are relentless. I really think that either A. Kids have the memory of a goldfish. Or B they just recover quickly. Everytime something bad happened at the park, they sulked for like 30 seconds then ran away as quickly as possible to a new slide. Kids are tough.
All around an over all okay park day....
Posted by .... at 5:07 PM 2 comments
So this week has been as follows!!
Friday:: I had off work all day and basically everybody got all there stuff in the house. Then we went to beach and dad took a nap after his drive down here from Grandmas. Then we ate dinner and hung out here basically... i dont think we did anything else?? maybe we did.
Saturday:: I worked in the morning and when I went to get in the car I had a big teddy bear sitting there on my seat and a cute singing card... that was really cute and Brent had off of Macys. They went to the beach and I met them there when I got off. Once we were there for a bit, Brent and I went out for Valentines day. We went to the Cheesecake Factory and had some awesome food. I had chipotle pasta and brent had meatloaf, we split dessert. Then Brent went to work at Panera, and my parents went out on there Valentines date! Fun stuff...
Sunday: Josh and Dad went to the Daytona 500!!! They were very excited.
During the day Brent, Mom, me, Aaron, and Kirsten went to the beach. Then we had lunch there. Then we came home and had dinner later and just hung out. Me and mom watched tv while all the kids ran about and played. Brent had work at night.....
Monday: I had class pretty much all day. I have chemistry from 930-1215. Then chemistry lab from 1230-230. Then I came home and we ate dinner. Then I had French, where I had a presentation and a test from 4-545. Then I had Biology from 630-915, I was supposed to have a test... but my professor forgot it? Yeah... weird but whatever. While I was at class... in the morrning Brent took all the kids to the park and just hung out with them all day. Then at night he took them to McDonalds with a playland. Needless to say, Brent looked like he had been hit by a mactruck when I got home... It was cute.
Tuesday::I worked from 5am-1... Brent watched the kids while I was there. Then when I got home we all hung out together and had dinner. Then we took the kids to a park until we dropped off brent at work at 6. Then I took all the kids down to WestPalm and let them run threw these big fountains in the sidewalk, they were freezing but they had fun. Then we pit stopped at McDonalds and went home and SLEPT!!!
Today:: Was very fun... I had one class from 9-11, my Bio Lab. During that Brent did schoolwork with the kids and got them ready. Then Dale (our roommate) offered to take us to this beach of sorts that has a playground there. Basically it was a lagoon, where the beach is like knee high and the kids can play on the playground, eat at picnic tables or play in the ocean. It was great. We had a ton of fun there. Then we came home, it was time for nap. I had a French test at 4. Then Brent made chocolate chip pancakes for dinner. Then off to the park....
Posted by .... at 4:57 PM 2 comments
Basically... Brent has been working at his 2 jobs and keeping himself busy. He also recently bought himself some weights and protein shake stuff and wants to start working out. He is very excited, as is our kitty who despite all her houses and toys will only lay in the box that the weights came in HA...its like she finds the cheapest thing possible and makes a home out of it.
This week we have a bit of cleaning all my family is coming into town!!!! Which is so exciting, might be a little crowded but we none the less are very excited to be hanging out with them! The game plan is that the family will first go to grandmas tomorrow.......
...then come to our place over the weekend... then mom and dad go back to gmas on monday and get alone time while me and brent watch the kids till thursday! then parents come back and hang with us till they go home that coming weekend. last time they came aaron and kirsten weren't with them so i am excited for a bit of time with those 2 crazys (as well as joshy)Anyways... needless to say there is a lot of cleaning to be done HAAAAA!! Once I found out they were definetly coming I have avoided all housework like an illness because I want everything to be freshly cleaning and my kitty always has a way of messing up things. ...
Needless to say, Thursday night is going to be an all out laundry/cleaning frenzy in this house and kitty is getting a bath.... a much needed bath.
I will leave you with a video that I find hilarious... hope you will to. most moms have so many children pictures, but my kitty is my baby, and that's why this post is pretty much filled with her.
Posted by .... at 11:17 AM 2 comments
Posted by .... at 2:02 PM 3 comments
well nothing new happening lately...
this past week brent worked macys monday-friday.... he really hates it there, he is just sick of doing things that don't have purpose, like putting away boxers and such. he can't wait to go to school. he also worked everyday but wednesday night at panera, that boy needs a day off. he just works works works! macys as a corporation has been having financially issues and he heard rumors that they were laying people off, thankfully when he asked his boss, she said his job was fine. so we were very relieved.
i went to school on monday and wednesday and had a test in french on wednesday.... it was very techincal with the grammar, so if i didn't do well its for accent marks and the difference between hi and hello. then i got called in to work on tuesday, and worked thursday. i also work tomorrow. even though i work really early in the morning i like it because I get off at 1 so i have the whole day ahead of me which is cool. i also started our taxes today online with what w-2's we have so far. things are looking pretty good.
anyways.... things are good. i have to work early. night
Posted by .... at 5:09 PM 2 comments
Not super much to update... normal stuff new day.
This week Brent and I took the car to get the oil changed where they told us that our front brakes were going metal to metal and because they were so bad it ruined our rotors, so we needed new brakes and rotors.... so today we went and spent like 330 dollars on stupid car stuff... which uber sucks. cars are stupid, but it wasn't avoidable. and tomorrow I have to go get 2 new front tires from this used tire place because our front 2 tires are past the wear bar?? whatever that means... basically the front 2 are shot and I need to fix it. annnddd.... thats all for the car.
i started a diet like 2 weeks ago, not really a diet of sorts I just met with the doctor from golds where my gym membership is and she told me what types of food to avoid and what my calorie intake should be to lose weight. basically i need to eat 5 meals a day, 3 of them are 500 cals or under and 2 of them are 250 cal snacks. and stick with whole grains instead of regular breads and pastas. and no soda, lots of water. i have 1 diet soda a day with dinner and usually i only drink half. for desserts i have frozen yogurt or popcorn, but its going well. i just need to be healthier for me. so far i lost 1 lb so my goal is like 1 lb a week.
school is going good, just lots of reading. and panera is... well its panera. i work there about 20-25 hours a week. brent is still working hard at both jobs. and very excited to come home, as am i.... so tonight is just studying since brent is at work. i have school all day tomorrow and brent works both places, so basically just long days ahead.
kitty is doing fine, not chewing up anything else and staying hyper.
loveyou missyou peace
Posted by .... at 3:13 PM 2 comments
Brent is still working hard at his 2 jobs so we can save money.
I am still working at Panera and going to school full time
and kitty tore up brents headphones last night (she is in the dog house) HA
today for me is a contemplative day.... so im not saying what i am saying to offend people, its just what I think. the subject is teenage pregnancy. when did people get so careless about babies. I am married at 18, but the first thing I did 3 months prior to marriage is a 3 year birth control implant. 50% of my close friends from high school are pregnant or have had kids... and so many MARRIED young people are just popping out the babies. I just don't understand what people are thinking, do people really think that is the sole purpose of life, just get married and have a "eternal" family. What about education, what about goals, what about learning your spouse as an individual for AT LEAST a year before you just start burning out kids. Dont get me wrong, stuff happens, and when you arent careful there really isnt anything you can do after the fact. for example, birth control fails and you have a baby... okay. but some people are trying it or just not doing anything to prevent it. seriously, do 16-20 year old mothers really think this is what its all about? some people really don't think at all. what about the fact you will probrably struggle for most of your life unless you have serious parental help and you will never go to school. or that your kid is gonna grow up and not go to school because they think that this is the way to go because of what you did, leading by example. people walk around with there pregnant pictures and gloat about there tiny babies in there 1 bedroom apartments and think this is some sort of divine intervention. what it really means, is you didn't use the technology that was provided for you so that YOU and your husband could have a future. the husband who now work 2 jobs to support there wives and kids so she can stay at home and change diapers and dust shelves. and that they will probrably work in some factory or car dealership foreverrrr and never fufill there educational or career inspired goals. what about the husbands years down the road when all the kids are gone, and you don't know him without them... and he realizes that stuff sucks and his jobs sucks and hes miserable, then what? what happens when they leave..... you just keep dusting wishing you had something to fall back on, but you don't because you never went to school.
these are just the things that I think about. i think about everyday how grateful i am to have thought and have been taught and be able to go to school and work hard to get stuff done. this doesnt mean that i dont see the bigger picture, because i do. life is all about family, i love my family. my mom is a 39 year old student, and she is doing things right. my dad is just trying to find himself and what he wants to do. they raise 2 handicapped children as their own and my brother and never take a breath. but growing up school is what she stressed, college, and my dad even more stressed college... i love kids, i want them someday when i am can build them a house and afford a babysitter. but until then its about priorities, it has nothing to do with being "wordly" it has to do with wanting to help people, be a doctor, raise my kids comfortably and truely know my husband.
so heres the advice... adopt a cat. they love you just the same :)
Posted by .... at 7:50 AM 3 comments
I am officially done with the vet job, I miss it already, and Panera gets a little hectic sometimes. Its just something to hold us through till May so its all good, but yeah during the week days its just lines out the door and craziness. I work there like 3 days a week and go to school Monday and Wednesday. My french teacher I thought was a little spratic at first but now I like her, she is very funny once you get to know her. My chemistry professor/lab professor is so old that he is using a walker and looks like he belongs in a nursing home. Hes a big joke. My bio professor is very intellectual, basically he was the dean of a lot of stuff with a PhD and is just retired teaching here to keep himself busy, I will enjoy learning from him. My bio lab teacher is a riot, very funny, seems to be an easy class, so everything is cool there. As far as home goes, Brent had off today so he slept till 12 and was very excited to do so :) He is taking an interest in weight lifting and wants to build muscle so he is going to start going to the gym... ( he knows I idolize Vin Diesel). haha jk. I am going to start taking classes at the gym for cardio and am excited about that. And for now all is well for us... Just working and school for me... and working and working for Brent. He is very excited to start school this summer.... nothing else tonight.
Posted by .... at 7:38 PM 1 comments
so leah is scared as hell.....
new things everywhere in short amounts of time make my stomach sick and give me headaches. therefore, i am sick. basically heres in numbered order why things are different.
1. my job at the vets office is gone as of next week, they have trained another person and this friday is my last day
2. i started a new job with new people. i am now working at panera bread within walking distance from the house. althoughhhh the people are very nice, and i love the food. and they can work around my classes.
3. I START SCHOOL TODAY! i am actually on campus right now on a school computer and just purchased the last of my books. so in total with renting books and getting 3 used ones i have spent approx. 440 dollars!!!
:( yeah.
so life is getting a little crazy, and i always clame to be so into new things, really i am a baby. new things terrify me, when i had to apply to get a job, i almost threw up and i was sweating and pacing. now i am about to go to class and i am sick all over again. the lesson is..... as scary as new things are, you just gotta do it.
Posted by .... at 5:52 AM 3 comments