Wednesday, July 9, 2008

leah says.

hey guys...
well today me and brent had a load of crap to do. first we had to turn in our rent check, and get proof of residency so we could get our new licenses. and then we had to go actually get our licenses. which I must add are so much cooler than PA licenses. they have colors and they are just cooler, and my license picture is pretty fab, just like the last one. that whole license picture sucks thing just doesnt apply to me. not to be a snot, but my license is maddd coool!!! lol. hehe anyways, then i went and did a bank deposit while mr brent made lunch at home. then we had lunch (i finally cleaned out the car today). literally since we moved down here, we havent gotten any crap out, we had like a foot tall pile of just crap all over the car that was starting to smell rotten, so i figured it was time. so I cleaned then I came to the library so I could write on the blog and just do internet stuff. Anywho, WE GET OUR MATTRESS LIKE AS WE SPEAK THEY ARE DELIVERING IT!! WOOO... I will give more updates tomorrow.

loveyou missyou peace...a ngelia


Lori said...

About cleaning the car, was it "your" clean or was it "my" clean?
Love, Dad

sam said...

i think you waited till just about the perfect time to clean your car, right before it starts to grow something sound about right...and im super jealous about the licenses i cant say my picture is totally fab so i hide it in the back of my wallet untill i have to prove i am 18 which happens a lot cause no one believes me...whatever