Thursday, July 3, 2008

Leah Says HA

OKAY. well the deal with the pictures is that we can't upload them right now because we dont have internet at our apartment. We have like an internet cafe of sorts at the clubhouse, but we dont want to upload our personal stuff onto it ya know? So I know everyone is dying to see what it looks like but we trying to find a way to get them up. Anywho. These past few days have been so crazy. Basically the first day we got here we went to our college, unpacked our car and then had the biggest shopping spreee I have ever seen at Walmart. We filled up 2 full carts in the store with just household stuff, then we rung out and loaded the car, then came back in for food. It was nuts, then we basically had to unpack the car all over again. Then we slept on the floor haha. Then the next day we went to Goodwill, and got a loveseat, bed, table and chairs, and dresser all for like 400 dollars. Cool Stuff. Then we went to Target and got a rug and stuff for the house. BRENT MADE DINNER! He made this chicken and biscuits thing for us and it was super cute. Then we went to bed, after I did some neurotic cleaning. Today we just have to go to the school and open up a bank account blah blah blah. Fun stuff! keep you posted.


Lori said...

Your future Walmart trips won't be as fun when you have to actually PAY for them & not use gift cards!! I bet you were loving every minute of that. I'm so excited to see your apartment. Bummer about the pics. It will work out though. Miss you tons & I LOVE your night time phone calls. Makes me feel great Leah. Maybe you miss your mom as much as she misses you.

Connie said...

Hi Leah, The words neurotic cleaning and Leah just don't seem to belong on the same page but I am so, so happy to hear it. Sounds like your shopping spree was a hoot, wish I could have been there to enjoy it with you. In case I have not told you guys, I really am proud of you and admire the guts you have to do what you are doing. And in spite of all my harping about things, I really wish you both all the luck in the world. Can't wait to see you. If there is anything in particular that you for got and need us to bring down make sure we have a list of those things by the middle of August.WE love you both. Grammy & Pappy

diane said...

As i picture this in my mind how I wish I were there to see it! Sounds like a blast - we miss you so much. I am so proud of you both - and Brent cooking dinner!! Let me know if you need any more recipes. I look forward to seeing how cute you are making your apartment and how you are making it "yours." Isn't it funny how all of a sudden it is important to you whether it is clean or not!!LOL

Connie said...

Guys, Happy 4th. Hope you make this day special. Relax, kick back and enjoy. Get fome sun, sand and water and see some beautiful fireworks. Love you both. G & P